Bees are in the air at Montcorr Packaging

C’est avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme que Montcorr Packaging annonce que des ruches font maintenant partie du paysage de notre usine. En effet, grâce à un partenariat avec Miellerie St-Stanislas, nous aurons l’occasion de récolter du miel en septembre.

As part of our commitment to sustainability, adding beehives to our installation is a significant step. Not only will this contribute to the preservation of bees and local biodiversity, but it will also strengthen our mission as an environmentally friendly company. By integrating beehives onto our production site, we are committed to actively supporting bee conservation and promoting biodiversity in our region.

We look forward to seeing the benefits of this initiative come to fruition in the near future. Indeed, the introduction of hives on site will have a positive impact on several levels. First of all, this will ensure pollination of the surrounding plants, thus promoting the growth and reproduction of local plant species. In addition, the presence of bees will help maintain the ecological balance of our ecosystem by promoting species diversity.

In addition to supporting biodiversity, the introduction of beehives in our factory will also raise awareness among our employees and customers about the importance of bees in our ecosystem.

Finally, this initiative reflects our ongoing commitment to protecting the environment and our desire to make a positive difference in our community. We hope this action will inspire other companies to follow our lead and take concrete action to preserve the environment.

ruches d'abeilles